Artists need to get their paintings to NativeMirror within 48hrs of being notified of a customer order. You can directly deliver to our stated Drop-Off locations (Paintings) or alternatively you can use our free pick-up service for artworks priced above USD70 (i.e.TT$500). Just request the pick-up service via WhatsApp or email and we will dispatch our courier to collect your paintings.
Our service is free for the first pick-up attempt; so please ensure that someone is at your location as scheduled. Subsequent pick-up attempts will incur a TT$25 charge. The following is required from the Artist for our Pick-Up Service:
PICK-UP REQUEST: On your WhatsApp or Emailed request you need to indicate:
- Name of Artist
- Cell Phone Contact
- Title of Artwork
- Pick-up Address
- Date for painting pick-up
- Desired Time period for pick-up. At least a 2hr range (eg 9:00am – 11:00am).
Between 8:00am – 5:00pm Monday through Friday.
PACKAGING: The painting needs to be neatly and securely packaged to facilitate transport. NativeMirror will not be responsible for the cost of any damage incurred between dispatch from the Artist and arrival to a NativeMirror location.
Useful Packaging Guidelines – Domestic Transport:
Step 1 - Wrap painting in glassine or acid-free archival tissue paper; available at art stores.
Step 2 - Wrap the entire work with bubble wrap using tape to secure it shut.
Step 3 - Place cardboard corner protectors on the corners of the wrapped artwork. You can buy corner protectors at art supply stores, or you can construct them yourself. Google will lead you to online resources offering instructions on how to make them
Step 4 - Place the wrapped artwork between 2 pieces of foam board (or two-ply cardboard), forming a “sandwich.” The borders of the foam board sheets should extend 4 inches beyond all edges of the bubble-wrapped artwork. Use packing tape to bind the foam board sandwich together.
Step 5 - Place the foam board-covered painting into a cardboard box. Fill the empty space with enough bubble wrap or wadded/shredded white paper to ensure that the artwork doesn’t shift during transit.
Step 6 - Use long strips of packing tape to completely seal the openings of the box.
LABELLING: Please label your package with the information stated hereunder.
- Name of Artist
- Cell Phone Contact
- Title of Artwork
- Write in big bold text “NATIVEMIRROR – PICK UP” on the package.
- Write “FRAGILE” on the package. Also, write “PLEASE KEEP UPRIGHT. DO NOT LAY FLAT.”